FRAC Installation

Loosen castle nut with armorer’s wrench. Unscrew castle nut all the way back and slide buffer tube plate back. Don’t lose selector spring and detent if not retained in lower. Unscrew buffer tube.

Install FRAC orientation ring against castle nut.

Install FRAC body with button on the left side of the gun. (Shown upside down. Don’t push the button on the FRAC!)

Thread buffer tube into lower. Align buffer tube to gun and push FRAC up to the back of the lower. Snug down castle nut by hand. Do not thread buffer tube in past the front edge of the buffer tube extension or upper will not install.

Tighten Castle nut with armorer’s wrench.

Remove air line with ¼” wrench.

Install FRAC air line with ¼” wrench.

M4/MTW-9: Use 3.5″ airline.
MTW-308/Shotgun: use 4.5″ airline.

Install engine.

M4/MTW-9: Upside down (airline on top of engine).
MTW-308: Install regularly.

Feed airline through FRAC while holding button, then secure body pins.